
The Reggio Emilia philosophy views the environment as the third teacher. We give attention to detail, carefully selecting materials, and strategically setting up our surrounding spaces and each classroom. Learning is joyful at Little Gate and our environment evokes inspiration and inquiry.

student playing with cans outside

student watering garden

Little Gate is housed in beautiful spaces near the Butterfly Garden, playground and green spaces that are designed with our children learning in mind. Our homelike environment is thoughtfully structured so that children experience a very comfortable transition from their homes into their first school experience. Learning centers are thoughtfully placed under windows where light enhances the experience and in comfortable nooks when a cozy feeling is more desired.

Documentation fills our halls and classroom walls to share “classroom stories” making our learning visible to all. Our children know that their work is valuable and important by the photos of them working and playing are carefully placed around the classrooms. Light and shadow explorations are set up in shaded nooks. Materials are carefully chosen to support social interaction, problem solving, dramatic play, and conflict resolution. Our construction areas feature photographs of celebrated spaces and experiences that spark curiosity to inspire and challenge our youngest students.

student painting