Ava Leonard-Adams

College Choice: Marquette University
College Major: Biology

A member of the Mock Trial team throughout high school, who served as President of the team her senior year, Ava Leonard-Adams has played an important role in the team’s success these last few years. She described their work, “Team members practice a great deal and during that time they develop and argue a case as lawyers, learn affidavits as witnesses, and "perform" at competition in a courthouse against other schools. We learn how to write and effectively deliver opening and closing statements, direct and cross examinations, learn rules of evidence, courtroom etiquette and how to to raise and respond to objections as well as how to develop and defend a theory of the case, and how to properly enter evidence during a direct or cross examination.” McGehee's 2023-2024 Mock Trial team competed at the state level in March for the second year in a row.
With Biology on her mind as her college major, Ava wrote, “McGehee has prepared me for the amount of writing I'm going to have to do in college, especially if I go into a STEM/STEAM field. I like that I've been taught how to properly cite my sources and do footnotes correctly. I've heard from Mr. McLetchie and from other McGehee graduates that a lot of people in their classes in college had no idea how to do any of that. I also feel like I am better able to take advantage of any and all opportunities presented to me, as well as being comfortable asking questions and communicating with my teachers. If it weren't for McGehee, I don't think I would be able to do that.”

Ava complimented a couple of faculty members who were an inspiration to her.  “Seniora Giacomino and Mr. McLetchie have been particularly special to me these last four years of high school. Seniora Giacomino was always someone I could go to about anything I was struggling with, whether it was inside or outside of school, and she always supported me no matter what. Her advice has gotten me through a lot of tough times and I'm very grateful to have had her as my advisor. Mr. McLetchie and I are very similar, and I think that's why we get along so well and why he is special to me. We've always recommended books to each other and then reported on our thoughts, and I've always appreciated our relationship. He has always pushed me to be a better student and person (even if I got annoyed at him for it), and I am better all around because of him.” 

Ava chose Marquette University as her college destination writing, “Scholarship, location, size, diversity, marine/environmental science and the general STEM program were most important to me.”

Ava summed up her years at school, “I feel like because I went to McGehee, I am much more confident in myself and my ability to ask questions, participate in the classroom, as well as stand up for myself. Part of that is the fact that it's an all girls’ school, and I've never felt intimidated by boys. However, I think the main reason I feel this way is because of my classmates and teachers who have all given me confidence.”

Grade Started at McGehee: Kindergarten
Activities and Awards at McGehee:

  • National Honor Society (10, 11, 12)
  • Beta Club (10, 11, 12)
  • Honors Award (10, 11, 12)
  • English III Award (11)
  • Mock Trial (9, 10, 11, 12); President (12)
  • Student Ambassador (12)
  • Varsity Basketball (9, 10, 11, 12)
  • Diversity Club (9, 10, 11, 12)
  • Girls Learn International (9, 10, 11, 12)
  • Green Club (11, 12)
  • Gender-Sexuality Alliance (11, 12)
  • Hawk Health Club (11, 12)
  • Environmental Protection Club (11, 12)
  • Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (10, 11)

Please note that grade started at McGehee only includes grades PK-12.
Activities and Awards include grades 9-12.